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MAINTENANCE OF REPAIR & STRUCTURE- 22602 [MSBTE] UNIT:-2 mcq question and answer


1. Major damages to the structure are usually caused by

a) Industrial gas

b) Natural climates

c) Artificial rain

d) None of these

2. Main cause of damage in structure is

a) Irregular planning

b) Poor construction

c) Foundation failure

d) All of the above

3. ... Is nothing but gradual disintegration on account of any destructive action from

various aggressive agencies

a) Deterioration

b) Damage

c) Distraction

d) None of these

4 .... Is the natural phenomenon that causes the shaking of the ground by the sudden

release of energy from the earth crust?

a) Flood

b) Distress in structure

c) Earthquake

d) None of these

5. For better seismic performance earthquake-resistant construction should have

a) Good structural configuration

b) More ductility

c) Good deformability

d) All of the above

6. Wind damages basically come into the.... category.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

7. A heavy wind in which basic wind pressure is high may damage

a) Tress

b) Power lines

c) Small structure

d) All of the above

8. The effect of the flood is the damage of

a) Power transmission

b) Loss of power

c) Property damages

d) All of the above

9. The capillary penetration from the ground up through the concrete or masonry is

referred to as

a) Earthquake

b) Distress in structure

c) Dampness

d) None of these

10. Dampness produces the failure of

a) Roofing material

b) Power transmission

c) Loss of lives

d) None of these

11. The primary causes of dampness are

a) Porous masonry

b) Cracks

c) Defects in point

d) All of the above

12. Corrosion is..... Process

a) Natural

b) Artificial

c) Both a and b

d) None of these

13. NPMA means

a) National post-management association

b) National pm management association

c) National post management analysis

d) None of these

14. ... is the term used to denote the decay and damage of a structure due to continuous

neglect in maintenance and repair?

a) Dampness

b) Dilapidation

c) Corrosion

d) None to these

15. The primary step in the direction of a systematic approach for damage detection is

a) To ascertain the extent of damages

b) Items of damages or decay

c) Both a and b

d) None of these

16. Damage detection depends on

a) Amount of energy

b) Effect spent on it

c) Nature of defect

d) All of the above

17. Which step is involved before repairs or maintenance?

a) Preliminary investigation

b) Physical inspection

c) Material testing

d) All of the above

18. Drawings, specifications, interaction and discussion with local citizens are under

a) Preliminary investigation

b) Physical inspection

c) Material testing

d) All of the above

19. NDT means in concrete

a) Non-destructive test

b) No deformation test

c) Non-deflection test

d) All of the above

20. Which one is not Non-destructive test

a) Rebound hammer

b) Ultrasonic pulse velocity

c) Compression test

d) Core test

21. Rebound hammer test is primarily used for the determination of

a) Concrete strength

b) Steel strength

c) Plastic strength

d) None of these

22. Rebound hammer is developed in

a) 1958

b) 1948

c) 1968

d) 1978

23. In rebound hammer, the measured distance travelled by the hammer on the

graduated scale is called

a) Rebound number

b) Hummer number

c) Rebound index

d) All of the above

24. Keep the plunger of the Rebound hammer touching to the surface?

a) Horizontal

b) Vertical

c) Inclined position

d) All of the above

25. Rebound number increases as the strength

a) Increases

b) Decreases

c) Both a and b

d) None of these

26. For accurate observation Rebound hammer test is repeat for.... Times on the same

point at the same surface

a) 3

b) 4

c) 5

d) 6

27. When the Rebound number is greater than 40, the quality of concrete is

a) Very good

b) Good

c) Fair

d) Very poor

28. When the Rebound number is zero, quality of concrete is

a) Very good

b) Good

c) Fair

d) Very poor

29. In ultrasonic pulse velocity, vibration frequency in the range of

a) 10 to 15 Hz

b) 15 to 60 Hz

c) 60 to 70 Hz

d) 70 to 80 Hz

30. Pulse velocity depends upon the

a) Density of concrete

b) Elastic modulus of concrete

c) Both a and b

d) None of these

31. Ultrasonic pulse velocity method consists of measuring the ... of traveling by an

ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete which to be tested

a) Time

b) Light

c) Speed

d) Velocity

32. How many ways of measuring pulse velocity through concrete

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

33. If the pulse velocity is greater than 4500 m/s then the concrete quality is

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Medium

d) Poor

34. If the pulse velocity is in between 3000-3500 m/s then the concrete quality is

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Medium

d) Poor

35. If the pulse velocity is less than 3000 m/s then the concrete quality is

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Medium

d) Poor

36. The rebar locator is also known as

a) Cover gauge

b) Cover meter

c) Rebar identifier

d) All of the above

37. ... is the process of detecting the creaks with their width and depth produced in the


a) Crack detection micro-scope test

b) Chloride test

c) Rebar locator test

d) Ultrasonic pulse velocity

38. Which factor affect rebar locator test results

a) Arrangement of reinforcement and metal ties

b) Variation in the iron content of cement

c) Use of aggregate with magnetic properties

d) All of the above

39. In the crack detection microscope test, the eyepiece scale to be turned through...

a) 360°

b) 270°

c) 180°

d) 90°

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