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Fuild Properties 1

 76. Bernoulli’s equation is derived making assumptions that

(a) the flow is uniform, steady and incompressible 

(b) the flow is non-viscous, uniform and steady 

(c) the flow is steady, non-viscous, incompressible and irrotational 

(d) none of the above. 

77. The Bernoulli’s equation can take the form

(a) p Vg1112U 2 + Z1 = p Vg222U 2 + Z2  

(b) pq1 V212U 2 + Z1 = pq2 V222U 2 + Z2 

(c) pqVg12 2 + Z1 =2+ gZ2  (d) pgV1122 + Z1 = pgVg2222U 2 + Z2. 

78. The flow rate through a circular pipe is measured by

(a) Pitot-tube  (b) Venturi-meter 

(c) Orifice-meter  (d) None of the above. 

79. If the velocity, pressure, density etc., do not change at a point with respect to time, the flow

is called

(a) uniform  (b) incompressible 

(c) non-uniform  (d) steady. 

80. If the velocity, pressure, density etc., change at a point with respect to time, the flow is


(a) uniform  (b) compressible 

(c) unsteady  (d) incompressible. 

81. If the velocity in a fluid flow does not change with respect to length of direction of flow, it is


(a) steady flow  (b) uniform flow 

(c) incompressible flow  (d) rotational flow. 

82. If the velocity in a fluid flow changes with respect to length of direction of flow, it is called

(a) unsteady flow  (b) compressible flow 

(c) irrotational flow  (d) none of the above. 

83. If the density of a fluid is constant from point to point in a flow region, it is called

(a) steady flow  (b) incompressible flow 

(c) uniform flow  (d) rotational flow. 

84. If the density of a fluid changes from point to point in a flow region, it is called

(a) steady flow  (b) unsteady flow 

(c) non-uniform flow  (d) compressible flow. 

85. If the fluid particles move in straight lines and all the lines are parallel to the surface, the

flow is called

(a) steady  (b) uniform 

(c) compressible  (d) laminar. 

86. If the fluid particles move in a zig-zag way, the flow is called

(a) unsteady  (b) non-uniform 

(c) turbulent  (d) incompressible. 

87. The acceleration of a fluid particle in the direction of x is given by

(a) Ax = uwwx+ vwwvy+ wwwwwwzut

(b) Ax = uwwux+ uwwvy+ vwwwwwzut 

(c) Ax = uwwux+ vwwuy+ wwwwwuzut

(d) none of the above. 

88. The local acceleration in the direction of x is given by

(a) uwwwwuxut

(b) wwut

(c) uwwux

(d) none of the above. 

89. The convective acceleration in the direction of x is given by

(a) uwwux+ vwwvy+ wwwwz

(b) uwwux+ uwwuy+ uwwuz

(c) uwwux+ uwwvy+ uwwwz

(d) uwwux+ vwwuy+ wwwuz. 

90. Shear strain rate is given by

(a) 1/2 *wwwwuxvy

(b) 12wwwwuxvy 

(c) 12wwwwvxuy 

(d) 12wwwwvxuy . 

91. For a two-dimensional fluid element in x-y plane, the rotational component is given as

(a) Zz= 12wwwwvxuy

 (b) Zz= 12wwwwuxvy  

(c) Zz= 12wwuxvy 

(d) Zz = 12wwwwvxuy . 

92. Vorticity is given by

(a) two times the rotation  (b) 1.5 times the rotation 

(c) three times the rotation  (d) equal to the rotation. 

93. Study of fluid motion with the forces causing the flow is known as

(a) kinematics of fluid flow  (b) dynamics of fluid flow 

(c) statics of fluid flow  (d) none of the above. 

94. Study of fluid motion without considering the forces causing the flow is known as

(a) kinematics of fluid flow  (b) dynamics of fluid flow 

(c) statics of fluid flow  (d) none of the above. 

95. Study of fluid at rest, is known as

(a) kinematics  (b) dynamics 

(c) statics  (d) none of the above. 

96. The term V2/2g is known as

(a) kinetic energy  (b) pressure energy 

(c) kinetic energy per unit weight  (d) none of the above. 

97. The term p/Ug is known as

(a) kinetic energy per unit weight  (b) pressure energy 

(c) pressure energy per unit weight  (d) none of the above. 

98. The term Z is known as

(a) potential energy  (b) pressure energy 

(c) potential energy per unit weight  (d) none of the above. 

99. The discharge through a venturimeter is given as

(a) Q = A AA Agh 122212222u  

(b) Q = A AA Agh 1 21222 22u 

(c) Q = A AA Agh 1 212222u  

(d) none of the above. 

100. The difference of pressure head (h) measured by a mercury-oil differential manometer is

given as

(a) h = x 10SSg  (b) h = x [Sg – S0] 

(c) h = x [S0 – Sg]  (d) h = xSSg0 1

where x = Difference of mercury level, Sg = Specific gravity of mercury, and S0 = Specific

gravity of oil.

101. The difference of pressure head (h) measured by a differential manometer containing lighter

liquid is

(a) h = x 10SSl  

(b) h = xSSl01 

(c) h = x [S0 – Sl]  (d) none of the above 

where Sl= Specific gravity of lighter liquid in manometer

S0 = Specific gravity of fluid flowing

x = Difference of lighter liquid levels in differential manometer.

102. Pitot-tube is used to measure

(a) discharge  (b) average velocity 

(c) velocity at a point  (d) pressure at a point. 

103. Venturimeter is used to measure

(a) discharge  (b) average velocity 

(c) velocity at a point  (d) pressure at a point. 

104. Orifice-meter is used to measure

(a) discharge                   (b) average velocity 

(c) velocity at a point     (d) pressure at a point. 

105. For a sub-merged curved surface, the horizontal component of force due to static liquid is

equal to

(a) weight of liquid supported by the curved surface 

(b) force on a projection of the curved surface on a vertical plane 

(c) area of curved surface × pressure at the centroid of the submerged area 

(d) none of the above. 

106. For a sub-merged curved surface, the component of force due to static liquid is equal to

(a) weight of the liquid supported by curved surface 

(b) force on a projection of the curved surface on a vertical plane 

(c) area of curved surface × pressure at the centroid of the sub-merged area 

(d) none of the above. 

107. An oil of specific gravity 0.7 and pressure 0.14 kgf/cm2 will have the height of oil as

(a) 70 cm of oil  (b) 2 m of oil 

(c) 20 cm of oil  (d) 10 cm of oil. 

108. The difference in pressure head, measured by a mercury water differential manometer for a

20 m difference of mercury level will be

(a) 2.72 m  (b) 2.52 m 

(c) 2.0 m  (d) 0.2 m. 

109. The difference in pressure head, measured by a mercury-oil differential manometer for a

20 cm difference of mercury level will be (sp. gr. of oil = 0.8)

(a) 2.72 m of oil  (b) 2.52 m of oil 

(c) 3.20 m of oil  (d) 2.0 m of oil. 

110. The rate of flow through a venturimeter varies as

(a) H  (b) H 

(c) H3/2  (d) H5/2. 

111. The rate of flow through a V-notch varies as

(a) H  (b) H 

(c) H3/2  (d) H5/2. 

Orifices and Mouthpieces

112. The range for co-efficient of discharge (Cd) for a venturimeter is

(a) 0.6 to 0.7  (b) 0.7 to 0.8 

(c) 0.8 to 0.9  (d) 0.95 to 0.99. 

113. The co-efficient of velocity (Cv) for an orifice is

(a) Cv = 4 2 xyH

(b) Cv = 24xy

(c) Cv = xyH24

(d) none of the above. 

114. The co-efficient of discharge (Cd) in terms of Cv and Cc is

(a) Cd = CCvc

(b) Cd= Cv× Cc 

(c) Cd = CCcv

(d) none of the above. 

115. An orifice is known as large orifice when the head of liquid from the centre of orifice is

(a) more than 10 times the depth of orifice  (b) less than 10 times the depth of orifice 

(c) less than 5 times the depth of orifice  (d) none of the above. 

116. Which mouthpiece is having maximum co-efficient of discharge?

(a) external mouthpiece  (b) convergent divergent mouthpiece 

(c) internal mouthpiece  (d) none of the above. 

117. The co-efficient of discharge (Cd)

(a) for an orifice is more than that for a mouthpiece 

(b) for internal mouthpiece is more than that external mouthpiece 

(c) for a mouthpiece is more than that for an orifice 

(d) none of the above. 

118. Orifices are used to measure

(a) velocity  (b) pressure 

(c) rate of flow  (d) none of the above. 

119. Mouthpieces are used to measure

(a) velocity  (b) pressure 

(c) viscosity  (d) rate of flow. 

120. The ratio of actual velocity of a jet of water at veena-contracta to the theoretical velocity is

known as

(a) co-efficient of discharge  (b) co-efficient of velocity 

(c) co-efficient of contraction  (d) co-efficient of viscosity. 

121. The ratio of actual discharge of a jet of water to its theoretical discharge is known as

(a) co-efficient of discharge  (b) co-efficient of velocity 

(c) co-efficient of contraction  (d) co-efficient of viscosity. 

122. The ratio of the area of the jet of water at veena-contracta to the area of orifice is known as

(a) co-efficient of discharge  (b) co-efficient of velocity 

(c) co-efficient of contraction  (d) co-efficient of viscosity. 

123. The discharge through a large rectangular orifice is

(a) 23Cd× b × 232 2 1 gH H ( )   

(b) 815Cd × b × 2g (H23/2 – H13/2) 

(c) 23Cd × b × 2g (H23/2 – H13/2)  (d) none of the above 

where b = Width of orifice, H1 = Height of liquid above top edge of the orifice, H2 = Height

of liquid above bottom edge of orifice.

124. The discharge through fully submerged orifice is

(a) Cd × b × (H2– H1) × 2g × H3/2  (b) Cd× b × (H2– H1) × 2g 

(c) Cd × b × (H23/2 – H13/2) × 2gH  (d) none of the above. 

where H = Difference of liquid levels on both sides of the orifice

H1 = Height of liquid above top edge orifice of upstream side

H2 = Height of liquid above bottom edge of orifice on upstream side.

Notches and Weirs

125. Notch is a device used for measuring

(a) rate of flow through pipes  (b) rate of flow through a small channel 

(c) velocity through a pipe  (d) velocity through a small channel. 

126. The discharge through a rectangular notch is given by

(a) Q = 23Cd × L × H5/2  (b) Q = 2/3 Cd × L × H3/2 

(c) Q = 23Cd × L × H5/2  (d) Q = 8/15 Cd × L × H3/2. 

127. The discharge through a triangular notch is given by

(a) Q = 2/3 Cd × tan T2u 2gH  (b) Q = 2/3 Cd × tan T2u 2g × H3/2 

(c) Q = 8/15 Cd × tan T2u 2g H5/2  (d) none of the above.

where T = Total angle of triangular notch, H = Head over notch.

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