91.An arbitrary surface with reference to which the elevation of points are measured and compared, is called ?
- datum surface
- level surface
- horizontal surface
- vertical surface
92.The image formed by the objective in the plane of cross hairs is and inverted ?
- real and straight
- real and inverted
- virtual and straight
- virtual and inverted
93.An imaginary line tangential to the longitudinal curve of the bubble tube at its middle point called ?
- axis of telescope
- axis of level tube
- level line
- line of collimation
94.The working from whole to the part is done in surveying in order to ensure that ?
- survey work is completed more quickly
- number of errors is minimum
- plotting is done more quickly
- errors and mistakes of one portion do not affect the remaining portion
95.The value of additive constant for the tachometer varies from ?
- 0 to 15 cm
- 15 to 30 cm
- 30 to 45 cm
- 45 to 60 cm
96.The reduced level of a point on the ground is called ?
- spot level
- spot height
- either (a) or (b)
- none of these
97.The height of instrument is equal to ?
- reduced level of bench mark + back sight
- reduced level of bench mark + fore sight
- reduced level of bench mark + intermediate
- back sight + fore sight
98.In a quadrantal system, the bearing of a line is measured ?
- always clockwise from the south point of the reference meridian towards the line right round the circle
- clockwise or anticlockwise from the east or west whichever is nearer the line towards north or south
- clockwise or anticlockwise from the north or south whichever is nearer the line towards east or west
- none of the above
99.The angle between the reflecting surfaces of a prism square is ?
- 30°
- 45°
- 60°
- 75°
100.A deflection angle is ?
- less than 90°
- more than 90° but less than 180°
- equal to the difference between the angle of intersection and 180°
- equal to the difference between the angle of intersection and 360°.
101.Which of the following statement is correct ?
- The indirect ranging is resorted to when the ends of a line are not intervisible due to high ground
- The chainman at the forward end of the chain is called leader
- The line ranger is used for fixing intermediate points on the chain lines
- all of the above
102.In locating the details of an object whose direct measurement is not obstruction, the method used is possible due to ?
- by angles from two different stations
- by distance from two different stations
- by angle from one station and distance from the other station
- by angles and distances from the same station
103.The spacing of cross-sections in a hilly country is usually ?
- 20 m
- 5 m
- 10 m
- 15 m
104.When the angular measurements of a traverse are more precise than the linear measurements, the balancing of a traverse is done by ?
- Bowditch's rule
- transit rule
- empirical rule
- any one of these
105.The difference between the sum of the angles of a spherical triangle on the earth's surface and the angles of the corresponding plane triangle for every 195.5 km² of area is only ?
- 15 second
- 10 second
- 1 second
- 5 second
106.The principle of tacheometry is used ?
- for filling in detail in topographic surveys
- on hydrographic surveys
- for locating contours
- all of these.
107.Which of the following statement is wrong ?
- The distance measured parallel to the north-south line is called latitude
- The departure is negative when measured to the left or westward
- The distance measured parallel to the east-west line is called departure of the line
- The latitude is positive when measured downward or southward
108.The tacheometric method of contouring is particularly suitable ?
- when the area is not very extensive
- in surveys of roads or railways
- when a contoured map of hill is required
- all of these
109.The fundamental principle of surveying is to work from the ?
- higher level to lower level
- whole to the part
- lower level to higher level
- part to the whole
110.When the angular and linear measurements are equally precise in traversing, the balancing of & traverse is done by ?
- Bowditch's rule
- transit rule
- any one of these
- empirical rule.