41.The presence of sodium chloride in water ?
- causes bad taste
- softens the water
- increases hardness of water
- stops epidemic
42.Turbidity of water is expressed in terms of ?
- silica scale
- platinum cobalt scale
- no value
- none of these
43.The most important source of water for public water supply is ?
- lake
- pond
- river
- sea
44.The yield of a underground source may be obtained by ?
- pumping test
- recupating test
- both (a) and (b)
- none of these
45.The water bearing strata i.e. layers of sand, gravel etc. is called ?
- an acquifer
- an aquiclude
- an aquifuge
- zone of saturation
46.The design period for a water supply project is taken as ?
- 5 to 10 years
- 10 to 15 years
- 15 to 20 years
- 20 to 30 year
47.The water supply system means ?
- the entire scheme of collection and disposal of liquid waste
- the complete layout from the source of supply to the distribution
- construction of reservoirs
- construction of canals
48.Which of the following statement is correct ?
- If the pH value of water is equal to 7, the water is said to be neutral
- The pH value determines the strength of the acid or alkali in water
- The pH value of water can be obtained by a potentiometer
- all of the above
49.The portion of soil through which lateral movement of water take place is ?
- water table
- an aquiclude
- zone of saturation
- none of these
50.When in the previous strata, the surface of water surrounding the well is at atmospheric pressure, well is known as ?
- gravity well
- artesian well
- open well
- deep well
51.Suspended impurities include ?
- algae
- protozoa
- fungi
- all of these
52.Odours and tastes may result due to the presence of ?
- micro-organisms either dead or alive
- dissolved gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane etc
- mineral substances such as sodium chloride, iron compounds etc
- all of the above
53.The water obtained from .............. is generally known as sub-surface water ?
- rains
- rivers
- reservoirs
- artesian well
54.pH value is a symbol for .......... concentration ?
- magnesium
- hydrogen
- calcium
- sodium
55.In designing a water works for a city to meet the water demand for public use,a precision about ............... of the total consumption is made ?
- 5 %
- 10 %
- 20 %
- 25 %
56.The presence of bacteria in water causes ?
- hardness
- alkalinity
- diseases
- bad taste
57.In India, as per Indian standards, water consumption per capita per day for domestic purpose is ?
- 85 litres
- 100 litres
- 115 litres
- 135 litres
58.The water obtained from the tube wells is known as ?
- surface water
- sub-surface water
- run-off
- potable water
59.The water of a river has an important property called ?
- turbidity
- self purification
- permeability
- infiltration capacity
60.The open wells or dug wells are also known as ?
- shallow wells
- draw wells
- percolation wells
- all of these.
61.The horizontal tunnels constructed at shallow depths along the banks of a river to intern ground water table are called ?
- canals
- infiltration galleries
- springs
- lakes
62.Which of the following formula is used for computing the quantity of water for fire demand ?
- Freeman's formula
- Kuichling formula
- Buston's formula
- all of these
63.Which of the following statement is correct ?
- The sub-surface sources are not affected by draught
- Infiltration galleries are most suitable for increasing the surface source supply, in dry season
- The rate at which water percolates into well under safe maximum critical depression head is called yield of well
- all of the above
64.The domestic use of water amounts to ............ of the total water requirements per capita per ?
- 20%
- 30%
- 40%
- 50%
65.The vertical wells provided along the banks of a river to draw ground water in dry season are called ?
- open wells
- tube wells
- artesian wells
- infiltration wells
66.The presence of hydrogen sulphide in water causes ?
- softening
- alkalinity
- acidity
- bad taste
67.A pipe sunk into the ground to tap the underground water is called ?
- open well
- tube well
- artesian well
- infiltration well
68.The presence of calcium and magnesium chloride in water causes ?
- softening
- bad taste
- hardness
- turbidity
69.The earth's water circulatory system is known as ?
- water cycle
- hydrological cycle
- precipitation cycle
- all of these
70.The growth of population may be conveniently represented by ?
- semi-logarthmic curve
- logistic curve
- straight line curve
- all of these.